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31 Week Update

How far along? 31 weeks!

Baby’s Size? Our baby is the size of a cabbage, or about 3.3 lbs and 16.1 inches long.

Gender? It’s a boy!

Weight Gain? 12 lbs.

Started to Show? Yes, for sure!

Maternity Clothes? Yes, My favorite things to wear right now are my maternity leggings and my LuLaRoe leggings.

Stretch Marks? Yes, but it’s hard to tell if there are any new ones.

Symptoms? The last couple weeks I’ve definitely started to feel pregnant. I’ve been more tired and definitely needing more rest than the previous month.

Cravings? ​​Sweets! This Christmas season has been filled with lots of sugary treats – peanut butter balls, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered Oreos, pancakes with whipped cream, and the list goes on. While I’ve been eating a lot of healthy foods as well, baby Clark and I have had more than our fair share of goodies.

Food aversions? None this month!

Belly button in or out? In, and I'm betting on it staying that way.

Sleep? I’ve been sleeping really well lately except for the occasional early morning, wide-awake restlessness. Also, Robert got me a pregnancy body pillow for Christmas right as I was needing a different sleeping setup. He’s definitely a keeper!

Movement? Although Clark is still difficult to feel from the outside, I’ve been feeling him move multiple times a day now. His limbs are getting longer to the point where I can feel movements on both sides of my stomach at the same time. It is such a neat feeling. He is still head down and in a really comfortable position. I’ve started wearing my belly support band more often and he hates it. He will always kick more when I am wearing it, like he’s asking me to stop squishing him.

Wedding ring on or off? On most of the time.

Miss Anything? Being able to exercise. I’m back to not feeling like I can’t do very much in the physical activity department. My goal is to try and start back doing some daily yoga and stretching since most other exercise is just not an option right now.

Best moments this month?

​​With working on the house, visiting with friends and family, watching lots of sci-fi movies, and celebrating Christmas, December has absolutely flow by for us. One of my favorite moments this month was going in for our third attempt to see Clark on the 4D ultrasound at our 30 week appointment. This time he was curled into me with his hands in his face. While he still refused to give a good photo, I think it is truly amazing any time we're able to see him and hear his heartbeat.

Another favorite moment from Christmas was watching Luna open her presents. To say that she is special is an understatement. I wrapped some new toys for her and Leo in a box and put it under the tree with all the other presents. She hadn’t bothered a single present until I put hers under the tree. As soon as it was on the ground, she immediately went over and started trying to open it. A few minutes later, she had the wrapping off and was trying to figure out how to get into the box. I told her since she was smart enough to get the box open, I would let them each pick out one toy. After about two minutes of smelling and investigating, she chose the Christmas reindeer. After Leo picked a new ball, we put the rest of the toys in the closet for them to open on Christmas day. You would think that was the end of the story – but no. She proceeded to cry at the closet until finally Robert took the toys to the garage and showed her they were gone. The next morning she was back at the closet to see if her box of Christmas toys had returned. #crazychick! Some days I think the Lord gave us Clark because he knew the house couldn’t handle another strong-willed girl at this point. Even though she’s definitely a little crazy, we love her and wouldn’t trade her for anything.

Looking forward to? While we still aren’t finished with our house, we are sooo close. We are finishing up the final touches in all the rooms and then we will be ready to put the nursery together. I can’t wait to see what Clark’s room is going to look like when it’s all put together. We’ve been waiting to have a nursery for so long, that finally starting on it seems surreal.

Labor Signs? Not yet, thankfully! We want our little man to bake a few more weeks.

Prayer Requests? My prayer and goal right now is to enjoy these remaining weeks carrying Clark while preparing my body, mind, and heart for all the changes coming. I am starting to research more on labor and delivery as well as postpartum. There is so much to learn and prepare for during this time that it can seem a little overwhelming. Even with all the stress that comes with these changes and preparations, my heart is truly overflowing. I was talking to Clark the other day and saying that I really never expected to be carrying him. I am seven months in, and some days it still amazes me how the Lord chose to bring him into our family.

Another request that’s been on my mind a lot over the Christmas season is to pray for other women going through infertility. Being pregnant during this holiday was such a blessing, but I remember the three previous years feeling so empty during Christmas. My heart aches for those of you going through infertility this Christmas, and I hope you’ve been able to find small joys during this season. No matter what stage of infertility you are currently going through, the Lord knows how you are hurting and hears every prayer. My prayer for you is that you will feel his peace and comfort, and that next Christmas you will be celebrating a new life in your family.

With Love and Ever Expecting,


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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