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28 Week Update

How far along? 28 weeks! Hello third trimester!

Baby’s Size? Our baby is the size of an acorn squash, or about 2.2 lbs and 14.8 inches long.

Gender? It’s a boy! And we picked a name.....Clark Lee Tugwell!

We didn't have a list of names before we got pregnant because after years of infertility, we found that talking about baby names was not healthy for us emotionally. We finally started discussing names for this little man after our gender scan. It took us such a long time to decide because there really weren't any boy names that either of us loved. We knew we wanted to keep Robert's middle name Lee, but nothing seemed to flow quite right. Clark was the first name that we both loved. After a few weeks of feeling him move more and thinking about different names, we both knew he was going to be a Clark. Even though he was only 26 weeks old, it just fit him so well.

About a week later we were cleaning out his room and I found an old notebook with baby names written down years earlier. The only boy name written down was Clark Lee Tugwell. I was amazed again at God's plan for our sweet baby. I can't believe how the Lord has worked over the last few years to bring us Clark. We are so excited and can't wait to meet him in less than 12 weeks!

Weight Gain? Still around 10 lbs! The last couple weeks I’ve felt huge, but I’m really happy with where I’m at weight wise. I feel like I’m on track for a 15-25 lb weight gain which is where my doctor wants me.

Started to Show? Yes, for sure!

Maternity Clothes? Yes, My favorite things to wear right now are my maternity leggings and my LuLaRoe leggings.

Stretch Marks? Yes, but still no new ones.

Symptoms? I'm still feeling really good. I've had more energy over the past few weeks, and I'm sleeping good most nights. I think I've definitely been in the sweet spot of pregnancy for the past month.

Cravings? I haven't been craving anything specific lately, but my appetite has gotten much better. The baby has moved positions, so I think my stomach finally has room to eat. I’ve been eating much healthier and trying to give Clark some good nutrients while I feel good.

Food aversions? While most of my food aversions disappeared around week 19, one that hasn’t completely disappeared is chicken. Although I can eat it in different meals, the smell of plain baked or grilled chicken still makes me a little queasy.

Belly button in or out? In, and I'm betting on it staying that way.

Sleep? Apart from the occasional early morning, wide-awake restlessness, I've been sleeping really well.

Movement? Although I can feel movement every day now, Clark is in such a comfortable position that his movements feel very light. It is still difficult for anyone else to feel him from the outside, but that might have more to do with his personality. He either loves or hates being touched, because as soon as someone tries to feel him kick, he immediately stops moving.

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Miss Anything? Honestly, I have felt so good that I really don't miss anything right now. I am loving being pregnant around the holidays. Time is going by so fast that I want to try and enjoy this Christmas season and my last couple months of pregnancy as much as I can.

Best moments this month?

Ready to see Clark in 4D!

​​By far the best moment this month was seeing Clark on the 4D ultrasound. It was amazing to see his little face, even if he wasn't fully cooperating. He was so pressed into me, that our ultrasound tech could only get part of his face in every picture. She is amazing though and was able to capture him sucking his thumb before he decided he'd had enough! Like I mentioned earlier, I wasn't sure how much we would be able to see because any time someone touches him he stops moving. I guess momma knows best because we only got a few pictures before he rolled over so his face was completely hidden.

Because our ultrasound tech is awesome, she had us come in for a repeat 4D scan when we had our 28 week appointment a few days later. While we didn't get a better picture, we did get another glimpse into his little personality. He yawned, looked really mad, and then put his hands in front of his face. I think it's safe to say he does not like having his picture made!

We have our next appointment in two weeks, and because I'm equally as stubborn, we are going to try one more time to get a picture of his entire face! Here's hoping Clark is in the Christmas spirit and gives his mommy a good photo.

Sooo sweet, sucking his thumb!

4D attempt number 2

Looking forward to? We are looking forward to getting our house back in order. We are almost done with the all the hardwood flooring, and trying to get everything wrapped up before Christmas!

Prayer Requests? Still praying for strong healthy babies. A lot of friends and family have new babies or soon to be born babies. We are praying that they grow strong and healthy inside and outside of the womb, and that the Lord would protect them as they grow.

With Love and Ever Expecting,


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