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25 Week Update

How far along? 25 weeks

Baby’s Size? Our baby is the size of an eggplant, or about 1.5 lbs and 13.5 inches long.

Gender? It’s a boy!

Weight Gain? 10 lbs! I feel pretty good about my weight gain so far. After talking with my doctor my goal is to only gain half a pound or a pound per week from here on out.

Started to Show? Yes, and most days I love it. Side story - We were walking in downtown Asheville when a couple of homeless men asked if they could have my left overs. I apologized and told them there wasn't food in the bag I was holding. As soon as I turned sideways and he saw my belly, he immediately apologized for asking for food from a pregnant lady and told me congratulations. We kept walking and the next homeless man we passed also told me congratulations. It was genuinely one of the sweetest things I've experienced so far this pregnancy.

Look at that belly!!!

Maternity Clothes? Yes, My favorite things to wear right now are my maternity leggings and my LuLaRoe leggings.

Stretch Marks? Yes, but still no new ones.

Symptoms? I have felt pretty amazing over the last month and a half. I've had more energy and generally just been excited to be able to get outside and walk or work in the house.

Cravings? Sweets! However, I think this is mostly because I've been indulging a little too much since my birthday. Overall, I've been eating healthier, I just need to limit my extra chocolate intake to a couple of times a week instead of every day.

Food aversions? Most of my food aversions disappeared around week 19 and thankfully have not come back.

Belly button in or out? In.

Sleep? Sleeping even better since I bought a pregnancy wedge pillow! I mostly use it for my hips and knees, but sometimes I use it under my belly. It's been a lifesaver.

Movement? I can finally feel the baby kick multiple times a day, but he is so low and small that it's still rare to feel kicks big enough from the outside. Robert was able to feel the baby kick for the first time in Asheville. It was definitely a highlight during our trip!

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Miss Anything? A clean house! I am so ready to get our house in order for the baby. We are in the middle of doing hardwood floors throughout our bedrooms, and our dining room is currently the staging area for all our projects.

Spare bath in progress!

Best moments this month? Since it's been a few weeks, I thought I would share a few of our favorite days since our last update. We had our 24 week appointment on November 3, and the baby is doing great so far. I had some intense cramping pain the day of our appointment, so my midwife did a quick ultrasound just to make sure my cervix and the baby's placenta and cord were all ok. As an IVF mommy, it is so nice to have someone caring enough to double check and reassure me that everything is good with our little boy. We loved our fertility clinic, and so far we are loving our OB-GYN office as well.

Our babymoon to Asheville was November 6-8th. I didn't have a ton of energy those days, so we mostly relaxed and walked around downtown Asheville. I took an amazing prenatal yoga class, and we ate lots of yummy food. I love Asheville in the fall. It's so beautiful, and there is so much to do. Apart from places I can put my toes in the ocean, it's my favorite vacation spot.

Sweet welcome note from the innkeepers
Our beautiful bathroom at the Pinecrest Inn
What a neat find at Malaprops Bookstore
View from our little deck

Luna's 3rd birthday was November 15th. I was extra tired that day, and it was raining so we made a short trip to the Petsmart for some birthday toys and had a cuddle night in.

Happy Birthday Luna
Excited to go shopping!

Looking forward to? Our next ultrasound! We are doing a 4D ultrasound at the end of the month, and I'm hoping to get a good picture of our sweet boy's face.

Prayer Requests? For strong healthy babies. There has been lots of joy over new babies and soon to be babies in our life the past couple months. We are praying that they grow strong and healthy inside and outside of the womb, and that the Lord would protect them as they grow.

With Love and Ever Expecting,


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