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17 Week Update

16 Weeks
17 Weeks

How far along? 17 weeks

Baby’s Size? Our baby is the size of a pomegranate, or about 5.90 ounces and 5 inches long.

Gender? It’s a boy!

It's a BOY!

Weight Gain? 2lbs

Started to Show? Yes, but the baby is very low.

Maternity Clothes? Half and Half.

Stretch Marks? Yes, but no new ones.

Symptoms? Last week was horrible. I was sick almost every day with nausea and a head ache that could only be helped with extra sleep. Growing a human is no joke!

Cravings? My biggest craving this pregnancy is still coffee, although I have had quite the desire for Chick-fil-A mini’s for breakfast lately.

Food aversions? I’ve started to get my regular appetite back which is great, because my body has been on carb overload. I still have a problem with some textures like rice, and do better if I eat earlier in the evening. I also have still not wanted my nightly ginger tea, so I’ve been drinking peppermint instead which my body seems to love.

Belly button in or out? In. My belly button is like a cavern, so this one is going to be no for a very long time if at all.

Sleep? Still sleeping good, but notice it sometimes feels weird when I roll over in the middle of the night.

Movement? Nothing yet, but hopefully soon. My normally soft tummy has developed a tightness around where the baby is located, so it’s been neat to feel that change.

Wedding ring on or off? On except when I go on a long walk.

Miss Anything? Still missing the energy and stamina to do more physical activity, but overall I just feel really lucky to be carrying this baby.

Best moment this week? My favorite moment that last two weeks was celebrating with our friends and family at our gender reveal party. It is such a blessing to have so many people that already love our little man.

Loved these Luke and Leia pins!
The Old Wive's Tales got it wrong this time!

Looking forward to? Choosing a name for our little one. We’ve just started to look at baby names so it might take a while, but picking out a name makes it seem so much more real. This is something I really didn’t let myself do before because, for me, it added to the pain of infertility.

Prayer Requests? Through our journey, the Lord has given me and Robert a greater empathy for those struggling with infertility and infant loss. This empathy grew as I started reading other women's infertility blogs. One of the very first blogs I read was Logan's at With Great Expectation. She has shared the good and the bad of not only her journey, but those of other beautiful women. This month, she shared the heartbreaking story of Everest Valor Saad. Everest was born via emergency C-section at 23.5 weeks. Please take some time to read his mother’s words and pray for this sweet family. In addition to Everest, I also found out yesterday that one of our neighbors lost their 15 month old little girl to a seizure. I truly can't imagine having to bury a child. My heart breaks for these couples and their families, and it's my prayer that the Lord would send them a supernatural peace and comfort them this next season of life.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."

Psalm 147:3

"...Weep with those that weep."

Romans 12:15

With Love and Ever Expecting,


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