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IVF#1 - Stimulation Start

One of the first things I remember reading when we started talking about IVF was not to get to set on your schedule because things can change quickly...

Our IVF baseline was scheduled for last Wednesday morning. We were scheduled to have an ultrasound and an endometrial biopsy/scratch. Being the over researcher that I am, I had already prepared myself for a rather unpleasant appointment and was ready to get it over with. During my ultrasound, my doctor noticed one of my follicles was a little larger than she wanted to see. Since enlarged follicles can be caused by high estrogen levels, they took my blood to check my estrogen. She canceled my biopsy and told me that they would call me the next day to let me know if my estrogen was too high to start stimulation. While grateful to not have to do an unnecessary biopsy, I was bummed because I was ready to get that part of our cycle over with and move on to stimulation. The next day, there was no call from the doctor. Again being a super planner, I couldn't wait and called them in the afternoon. One of the other nurses told me that my doctor and IVF nurse were in surgery but that my estrogen level looked normal and someone would call me that night or the next day.

Fast forward to this morning when I got a call from my nurse, saying we were good to start our stimulation tonight! The only step left was to come back in for my endometrial biopsy. This time, I was honestly not worried at all about the potential pain from the biopsy. I was already cramping from starting my period and I had plans to go to Hug a Bunny Day at the Chattanooga Zoo that I didn't want to miss! Since my doctor was out of the office today, the other doctor in the practice performed they biopsy. He told me the way he does it, is he counts to 10 and if he can't get through the cervix and complete in 10 seconds then they don't force it. This was a huge relief to me because I thought I could handle anything if I knew it only had to last 10 seconds. The whole thing was over in six seconds, and I barely felt anything. After going through it, I honestly think it depends on the person and the day of your cycle that you have to get your biopsy done as to how much it will hurt. Since I was already on my period, my cervix was more open, and since I'm used to horrible period cramps, this just felt like a little pressure.

I did my first injections tonight - Gonal-f and Menopur. I thought they were really easy to mix and inject after watching a how-to video that someone had made. It is really helpful to watch and read other people's suggestions for infertility and IVF. The Menopur hurt a little more, but that could be because I'm not used to sticking myself with needles, and it was my first injection. Neither really burned, but I did put an ice pack on for a bit to numb the area. After the injections, I noticed a slight warming, but no burning. Currently I'm sitting on the couch writing, and although my stomach feels a little odd (like there's medicine swirling around in there), I'm feeling pretty good. Stimulation Day 1 complete!

Also, Happy Good Friday! I love that we started our first stimulation on Easter weekend. I love Easter and can't help but be filled with hope knowing that above all that we are going through, I have a God that died to save me because he loved me.

Happy Easter,


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